Ten Words

  • average
  • clumsy
  • strange
  • confident
  • cool
  • friendly
  • smart
  • clever
  • young
  • funny

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

E9 Final Exam

This quarter we had a project. We were tasked with making a product and building a campaign around the product. This took close to the whole quarter. I feel like we did not have enough time to finish things and the order of the rotations was a challenge. I did not take anything away from this project but I did have to use time management. I thought I worked well in 4th quarter.

   We completed all of our tasks in class.we used our time to finish what we needed to do and we had no complications. I did nothing outside of class to improve because I felt I did not need to improve.

    I used my time and I figured out how to do more stuff in the adobe programs. I did not work to improve but to maintain in the adobe programs.

 I liked being able out hang out with my friends more this quarter. I would have made the final the presentation and not a blog. I took nothing away from this quarter. I would like to be able to do more video next year. Overall the blogs were the only thing that made me not want to work but I found everything else that we did fine.